Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to upload Bulk IP

                                          UPLOAD BULK IP

  • Click the link "INSERT IP DETAILS"
  • Click "INSERT BUTTON".
  • Click "EXCEL TEMPLATE EXCEL" and then save the EXCEL sheet in your PC.

  • Enter the data in(IP Number,Name,DOB,DOA,Gender) downloaded Excel sheet.

Instructions to create Excel sheet for bulk IP upload:
  •  Enter the 10 digit IP number, IP name, Date of    appointment, Date of Birth anGender.
  •  Excel sheet upload will be successful only if all the data  is entered in correct format.Use only the downloaded template for this activity.
  •  Kindly note that all columns should be in Text or General’ format  including date columns.
  •  Dates should be in either dd/mm/yyyy or format.Eg 14/04/2011  or 14.04.2011  is correct format(14/04/2011 or 2-Apr-11 are not acceptable)
   •  Following figure shows a sample excel format

  • Click the Browse button and select the excel file from your PC then click "UPLOAD" button. 

  • "IP INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY" Message will display in the same screen.    
              Creating Excel sheet for MC –Instructions:
  • Enter the IP number, IP name, No. of Days, Total Monthly Wages, Reason for 0 wages(If Wages ‘0’) & Last Working Day(if employee has left service, Retired, Out of coverage, Expired, Non-Implemented area or Retrenchment. For other reasons, last working day must be left BLANK)
  • Excel sheet upload will lead to successful transaction only when all the Employees’ (who are currently mapped in the system) details are entered perfectly in the excel sheet.
  • In case IP Number is entered wrongly(less than 10 digits) –Excel upload will throw error to modify the IP Number.
  • Calculations –IP Contribution and Employer contribution calculation will be automatically done by the system.
  • Reasons are assigned numeric code.
  • Once 0 wages given, IP will be removed from the employer’s record. Subsequent months will not have this IP listed under the employer.
  • Note that all the column including date column should be in ‘Text’ format.
  • Date column format is dd/mm/yyyyor dd-mm-yyyy. Pad single digit dates with 0. Eg:-01/01/2011 or 01-JAN-201 is NOT acceptable. Correct format is 01/01/2011 or 01-01-2011.
  • Excel should be saved in .xlsfile type (Excel 97 –2003).


  1. What is the way to bulk upload all details of IP in the system including nominee details and family details

  2. Bulk new employees ip registration possible?
